Posts Tagged ‘the wonder years’

The College Years

Posted: October 18, 2011 in Uncategorized
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“What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me an ear and I’ll sing you a tune, I will try not to sing out of key”

It’s ironic that I would name this post “The College Years” when I haven’t even been in college a year yet but I thought I would share a little “tune” in the key of F.  I have to say, in the time that I have been going to college, that I am blown away by the massive amount of boredom from other students that I see walking around campus.  For the past 2 weeks I have been conducting a survey of the students here at college.  Now, this survey is nothing written on paper, logged, or even has good record keeping because I have created it in my mind, (yea, I’m that guy) but nonetheless… the part the strikes me is how lame students are.  I thought these were the Wonder Years?  I guess I have always envisioned college life to be; joyful, partying, and a place where you actually get to learn something that is going to impact your entire life.  What I keep seeing is people sleeping in the library, swearing like sailors, and just plain not friendly.  Today, I parked my car out in BFE because the parking lot was jammed with cars.  Upon walking in, I had to have passed 2 dozen people hanging their head, almost shamefully, as they walked out to their “freedom”, as if someone was forcing them to pay a little over a grand a quarter to attend classes.  I tried to be friendly so some people with a “cool guy” head nod and a “hey” , to only have these crazy “GOOGLIE EYES” staring back at me like a had a giant booger hanging out of my nose.  I really don’t understand why?  Maybe they all failed a midterm?  Maybe they all broke up with each other?  Maybe all their dog’s got hit by a car?  I’m not to sure, but it was a little disheartening.   What happened to these people?  Where is the Wonder Years?  Where is Winnie?  (this is a Wonder Years TV program reference, I’m not looking for Winnie “the person”.. its a metaphor)  WHY ARE THEY PAYING TO SLEEP???

More than likely, I am the weird one here.  At least I’m going to selfishly say that I’m the odd ball.   I think I will still give my “hey’s” and conduct another survey to see how many people respond.

It may be a while before I write about this again.